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Royal Splendor Mysuru Palace


Arrival at Mysuru Palace:

Begin your royal exploration by arriving at the grand entrance of Mysuru Palace. Marvel at the exquisite Indo-Saracenic architecture that combines elements of Hindu, Muslim, Rajput, and Gothic styles.

Architectural Grandeur:

Join a guided tour that takes you through the palace's intricately designed halls, courtyards, and rooms. Admire the breathtaking beauty of the palace's domes, arches, and ornate ceilings, each telling a story of the Wadiyar legacy.

Durbar Hall:

Enter the Durbar Hall, the ceremonial space where grand events and royal gatherings took place. Stand in awe of the massive chandeliers, gilded columns, and the impressive Darbar platform where the Maharajas held court.

Ambavilasa - The Private Hall:

Explore Ambavilasa, the private hall of the palace, adorned with stained glass windows, intricate wooden carvings, and a remarkable peacock-themed ceiling. The hall served as the venue for private audiences and cultural events.

Maharaja's Private Chambers:

Step into the private chambers of the Maharaja, where you can see the regal bedroom, dressing area, and a collection of personal artifacts. Gain insights into the lifestyle of the royal family as you explore this intimate space.

Public Durbar Hall:

Visit the Public Durbar Hall, where the Maharaja held gatherings for the general public. Admire the impressive ceiling paintings, decorative pillars, and the symbolic throne that represents the dynasty's authority.

Sound and Light Show:

Experience the palace in a different light with the Sound and Light Show held in the evening. The illuminated palace, accompanied by narrations and music, creates a magical ambiance, bringing the history of Mysuru to life.